OptiMedium June 2020

OptiMedium June 2020

In this issue you read amongst other topics about the activities of the regional health networks around the pandemic and a report on the launch of a patient empowerment platform in the Werra-Meissner district. In an interview, you will find out more about the new role for pharmacists in regional integrated care and the development of a major project supported by Optimedis in France.

ICIC20 – 20th International Conference on Integrated Care, 9th, 16th, 23th and 30th September 2020 (virtual)

Selected Sessions 9th September 2020, 12:15 - 1:45 Session 1B - Integration and Quality of Care - 10 year evaluation of Gesundes Kinzigtal Integration and quality of care – 10 year evaluation of the “Gesundes Kinzigtal” integrated care scheme in Germany: a workshop on background, methods and results. Dr. h. c. Helmut Hildebrandt, Chairman of the Board OptiMedis AG 16th September 2020, 3:00 - [...]

OptiMedis Management Board reconstituted

The year 2020 will bring change to the Board of OptiMedis AG: after more than ten years at OptiMedis, Deputy Chairman of the Board Dr Alexander Pimperl takes on new professional challenges as Director Data Insights & Business Intelligence at AstraZeneca Germany.

OptiMedium December 2019

OptiMedium December 2019

In this issue you read amongst other topics about our new activities to establish population-based integrated care in the state of Hesse, Germany, and soon in Saverne and a district of Strasbourg, France. We are also pleased to report that our Jount Venture OptiMedis-COBIC UK and partners received the HSJ award for the best system integrator initiative in the UK. And we're involved in [...]