Selected Sessions 6. October 2015 How is feedback from national cancer audits used? A mixed-methods study based on views from english NHS trust audit leadsDr. Oliver Gröne, Head of Research & Development OptiMedis AG Patient involvement in quality management: rationale and current status (Poster presentation)Dr. Oliver Gröne, Head of Research & Development OptiMedis AG More [...]
Health Affairs article focuses on OptiMedis model
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Vortrag / Pitch Forum "Ready to invest in large scale active & healthy ageing deployments": 4 Pitches on scaling up innovations in Active and HealthyAgeing - Based on a Call for Expressions of InterestFully Integrated Person Centered Health Care Roll-Out / Multiplication of „Gesundes Kinzigtal“Helmut Hildebrandt, Vorstand OptiMedis AG, Geschäftsführer Gesundes Kinzigtal GmbH The session [...]
Selected Sessions Gesundes Kinzigtal: The power of health(care)-dataDr. Alexander Pimperl, Head of Controlling & Health Data Analytics, OptiMedis AG More information
Key note 11. Juni, 9:45 Uhr Helmut Hildebrandt, CEO OptiMedis AG More Information
Selected Session 4. Juni Tackling regional variations through Accountable Care Organizations: How the German ACO Gesundes Kinzigtal achieved the Triple Aim & compares to U.S. ACOsDr. Alexander Pimperl, Head of Controlling & Health Data Analytics, Timo Schulte, Health Data Analyst, OptiMedis AG More information
The Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing (March 9 and 10, 2015) aims to engage Europe's policy, services and market leaders to co-create a shared vision on how Europe can address the challenges and seize the opportunities arising from demographic change through ICT and innovation and in that way contribute to economic recovery. Lectures 10th of March 2015, 9.35 a.m. to 10.30 [...]
The International Foundation of Integrated Care (IFIC), in partnership with NHS24 and the Joint Improvement Team of the Scottish Government presents the 15th International Conference for Integrated Care "Complex Needs, Integrated Solutions: Engaging, empowering and enabling people for active and healthy living" to take place at the Sheraton Grand Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland, 25-27 March [...]
Over the past years interest in Gesundes Kinzigtal and other projects of OptiMedis AG has lead to a number of books and articles about it. We would like to share some of them with you. As some are only available within a subscription or fee please contact Britta Horwege if you would like to gain further access. Our brochures and papers in german you find on Publications from